What you need to know when looking for a job in a Startup

Are you interested in job opportunities in a startup? We tell you how you should prepare yourself to enter a fascinating and challenging field of work. Startups have become the preferred option for many young professionals to gain experience. 

What is a Startup?

A Startup is a recently created company that generally offers technology-based products or services, with a scalable and replicable business model, and does not have a large number of employees. 

You are probably asking yourself, can it offer me a professional development opportunity? These types of startups can become a big company – just remember that giants such as Google and Facebook started as startups. On the other hand, brands like Uber and Airbnb, also started under this concept.

Profiles required by a Startup

The type of profiles will depend on the activity of the startup. However, as we mentioned before, it is very common that these companies are dedicated to provide technological solutions or services supported by digital platforms, therefore the most required profiles for a startup are:

Professionals in the TIC sector: 

There is a high demand for professionals in IT and specialized in aspects such as programming, development of solutions and applications. Likewise, they are looking for personnel with knowledge and skills in: web design, UX, artificial intelligence, machine learning, Big Data, data management and cybersecurity, among others.

Communicators and Marketing Specialists :

Professionals such as journalists and digital marketers, tend to be the most entrepreneurial in emerging projects. As well as the areas of graphic design and web content production. They can also work as specialists or responsible for marketing strategies, social networks or SEO. 

Customer service experts: 

Some startups require profiles with commercial experience, to manage relationships with potential and acquired customers. Depending on the customer acquisition strategies, there are many possibilities for those who have experience in the support area and who have worked in call centers.

Soft Skills to work in a Startup

1. Autonomy: A startup is looking for candidates who can demonstrate that they are able to perform at their best, look for solutions, make decisions on the fly on their own. 

2. Passion: They usually look for people who are passionate about their profession and what they do, as candidates who are passionate about their work are more productive, efficient and happier where they work.

3. Learning capacity: Specialists or experts in certain areas are in demand by these companies; however, if they are multi-skilled, their probabilities will increase, since they have the capacity to adapt and learn new functions or methodologies with ease. 

4.Proactivity: Candidates are valued for their ability to anticipate problems, proposing creative solutions where others only see problems.

5.Results and CV: The CV is important, however they usually look at the results you have had in previous jobs. This does not mean that you should not have your CV organized and adapted for this type of company. 

If after reading this blog you want to strengthen your skills to be the ideal candidate in a startup, do not hesitate to register on our platform. Where you can learn about hundreds of opportunities and above all you can prepare yourself to be the professional you want to be. Contact us!


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